Poor Harry Potter Fans Have View of Hogwarts Express Blocked by Oncoming Train مدونة حكيم الحديثة

Poor Harry Potter Fans Have View of Hogwarts Express Blocked by Oncoming Train

Poor Harry Potter Fans Have View of Hogwarts Express Blocked by Oncoming Train

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 Poor Harry Potter Fans Have View of Hogwarts Express Blocked by Oncoming Train

Enthusiastic Harry Potter fans were eager to get a brief look at the Hogwarts Express steam train move through the Drumry Train station in Clydebank, Scotland a week ago. 

Shockingly, spectators on the contrary stage had their view totally obstructed by a nearby train headed the other way. 

Initially promoted to show up at the station around 18:13 nearby time, even the mysterious Hogwarts Express was running late, prompting the terrible planning of the passing train the other way. The circumstance truly couldn't have been more awful for these disillusioned fans on an inappropriate stage.

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